Friday, May 22, 2009

random nights are fun nights.

Ahh Friday, It's the weekend! Not only just the weekend, but a holiday weekend! It's exciting yet sad to think of how fast this school year happened. It's actually very quickly coming to a close and I now have so much work ahead of me in these last 9 days, 4 of which are really only review days, the others are finals! I always get kinda stressed around this time of the year... So much work in rather little time, and then I feel as if the material is never reviewed thoroughly enough.
Aside from essentially spazzing about finals, tonight was very fun. I got a text at about 6:30pm from my friend Tim who asked if I wanted to hang out with him. He got a new camera (which is very nice I must say) and wanted to test it out and take pictures. So I walked to meet him at Coco's Pizza since he was in another building down the street. I arrived at Coco's and sat on this bench to the side. The bench felt so cheap and plasticy that when I sat on it I swore if I moved the damn thing would have busted. It was basically like two pieces of plastic screwed into each other with a cheap plastic frame holding it all together, scary shit. Tim finally arrived a couple minutes later and ordered food. I didn't order anything because I had previously eaten dinner.
Meanwhile, I had no idea my brother was at the bowling alley next door with all his friends. Although, Tim did show me a picture of my brother and his friends on his way over to the pizza place, which was a little odd, but I didn't put two and two together. So after Tim finished his meal he said "hey, you wanna go to the bowling?" I said fine. And sure enough I walk in unknowing my brother was there. Tim and I joined the mass group of kids and then participated in a game of bowling.
After, Colleen offered that everyone go to her house.
So there we were, literally like 15 kids walking to Colleen's house. When we got there I was excited to learn there was a trampoline, I hadn't been on one in years! Of course all the guys got on it first, and were throwing each other around on it all brutally. Finally after about a half an hour they got tired and got off. THIS was my chance to get on it. I rushed to take off my shoes and I hopped on that trampoline so damn fast. I forgot how fun they were!

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